Saturday 27 September 2014

Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite Free Download

My Rating: We rate this 4 out of 5

Bioshock Infinite INFO

Release date:

Mar 26 2013 - PS3, Xbox 360, PC (US)
Mar 26 2013 - PS3, Xbox 360, PC (UK)
Available Platforms:PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Published by:2K Games
Developed by:Irrational Games
ESRB Rating:
Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language, Use of Alcohol, Use of Tobacco, Mild Sexual Themes
PEGI Rating:
Rating Pending

CPU:Intel Core 2 DUO 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
CPU Speed:Info
OS:Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit
Video Card:DirectX10 Compatible ATI Radeon HD 3870 / NVIDIA 8800 GT / Intel HD 3000 Integrated Graphics
Sound Card:Yes
Free Disk Space:20 GB

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Bioshock Infinite Trailer

Bioshock Infinite Review

Companionship. It’s one of the strongest emotions you can feel in any work of fiction. Your connection with an imaginary character seems real, born organically through a shared experience and the challenges you overcame at each other’s side. It’s the presence of companionship that elevates BioShock Infinite from being a great game to an astounding one, imbuing the exhilarating FPS gameplay with a sense of genuine humanity. Elizabeth is your only friend in the airborne city of Columbia, a twisted vision of a utopia floating in the heavens. And seeing the sights in an unfamiliar city is always more fun with a friend.

The year is 1912. You're Booker DeWitt, an ex-Pinkerton agent with the machismo of Harrison Ford, sent to extract a woman from the dizzying heights of Columbia’s aerial metropolis.
As with the previous BioShock games, this fantasy environment is stunning to behold and layered with an incredible ambience. The simple act of walking its cobbled streets and browsing through gift shops turns into a mesmerizing experience, where propaganda posters, eavesdropped conversations, and children’s toys all give you a glimpse into this society’s warped sense of patriotism. Columbia feels like an inhabited world, and your curiosity into its inner workings will be rewarded--and built up--at every turn.
You’ll also find yourself in awe as you explore Columbia. The city is downright beautiful, with striking colors and brightness in some vistas and an ominous duskiness in others. Going from a cheerful, vibrant street fair into less congenial settings (like a church of raven-worshipping cultists who idolize Abraham Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth) is surprising in all the right ways, and no two environments feel alike. The pacing of the level design is excellent, never dawdling on any one set piece for too long but giving you just enough time to appreciate their magnificence.

Blended into these gorgeous locations are messages of repugnant bigotry, and the stark contrast between the idyllic cityscape and the prejudice that pervades it tells a story all by itself. Racist caricatures aren’t used for cheap shock value--they help sell the idea that most citizens in Columbia think that skin color dictates status. But Infinite’s narrative stretches far beyond a mere face-off between the forces serving the self-righteous Father Comstock and the freedom fighters of the zealous Vox Populi. The 15-to-18-hour campaign doesn’t limit itself to the ideas of right and wrong, or force you to make dichotomous moral choices; instead, it’s the kind of tale that subverts your expectations time and time again.
Central to this story is Elizabeth, your strong-willed, super-powered ally who dreams of escaping her life in captivity. Through a combination of affecting voicework, convincing facial animations, and brilliant AI, Elizabeth feels like a completely autonomous companion--a friend. Her body language delivers emotion without words; a glimmering smile at Booker when he makes promises, an averted gaze and crossed arms if he breaks them. Elizabeth’s behavior makes you forget she’s a video game character: She’ll explore environments all on her own, humming to herself or beckoning you over to point out something you might’ve missed. When patiently waiting for you to finish surveying a room, her gaze will shift to sights beyond the player, rather than fixating on your head like so many video game NPCs. Once you’ve grown accustomed to Elizabeth’s mannerisms, the vacant stares and limited reactions from lesser characters can make them feel lifeless by comparison--though no worse than any other great game.

Her incorporation into the FPS gameplay is downright ingenious. Too often, companions become a detriment in combat, in constant need of baby-sitting or instructions. But Elizabeth is the polar opposite, able to fend for herself and assist you with her supernatural abilities. You’ll be grateful when she opens inter-dimensional tears in the environment, altering the layout of a level to give you cover or create an enemy-attracting diversion. When you die, it’s Elizabeth who worriedly revives you. It makes the bond between you and Elizabeth feel that much stronger--when she’s happy, you’re happy. When she’s hurt, you’ll want to personally slaughter whoever it was that hurt her.

Elizabeth’s presence also brings the tone firmly into action territory and away from survival horror. Knowing that you won’t have to face your enemies alone will make you feel empowered--quite the switch from the original BioShock’s desolate, chilling atmosphere. Elizabeth is a reliably helpful partner, seeking out the items you need and tossing them to you just in the knick of time during an intense firefight. Her companionship acts as a lifeline instead of a liability, and effortlessly generates thrilling moments during battle.
Picture this: you’re nearing the bottom of a machine gun clip, heart pounding as swarms of Comstock’s goons charge at you. Then you hear Elizabeth shout your name, spin around to catch the ammo she’s thrown, quickly reload, and blast your assailants in the face with hot lead. These moments will overwhelm your adrenal glands, and feel like incidental heroics instead of manufactured, scripted events.
Speaking of adrenal glands, Infinite’s combat will be satisfyingly familiar for BioShock veterans. The gun-in-one-hand, magic-powers-in-the-other formula delivers exciting shootouts one after another, and lets you play to your strengths and approach enemies however you see fit. In place of Plasmids are some imaginative Vigors, which open up even more avenues for combo-based traps, and the gunplay offers a satisfying range of close-quarters firepower and long-range artillery.
But sky-lines, the suspended tracks you can use to ride through levels like a rollercoaster, turn the first-person shooting into a first-person thrillride. It delivers a new FPS experience entirely, where you hold your breath at the apex of a sky-line before screaming down the rail so fast that no bullet can touch you. You won’t have access to sky-line mobility in the lion’s share of the fights--but when you do, it’s an absolute rush.

Incredibly, BioShock Infinite delivers on your years’ worth of expectations, then exceeds them. Regardless of your affinity for the FPS genre, Infinite deserves your attention, and it’s the kind of landmark experience that happens only a few times in a gaming generation. Even after the game is over, Elizabeth--and Columbia--will stay with you.

Friday 26 September 2014

Final Fantasy VII


Release date:Jun 02 2009 - PS3 (US)
Jun 02 2009 - PS3 (UK)
Aug 05 2009 - PC   
Available Platforms:PS3, PC
Genre:Role Playing
Published by:Eidos, Square Enix
Developed by:Square, Square Enix
Franchise:Final Fantasy
ESRB Rating:
Teen: Comic Mischief, Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Language
PEGI Rating:
CPU Speed:2 GHz
OS:Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7
Video Card:DirectX 9.0c-compatible graphic card
Sound Card:Yes
Free Disk Space:3 GB

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Final Fantasy VII Honest Game Trailer

Injustice: Gods Among Us

Injustice: Gods Among Us INFO

Release date:

Nov 12 2013 - PS4
Apr 16 2013 - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U (US)
Apr 19 2013 - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U (UK)
Available Platforms:PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U
Published by:Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developed by:NetherRealm
ESRB Rating:
Teen: Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Tobacco, Violence

PC System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Vista
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS or AMD® Radeon HD 3850
DirectX: Version 10
Hard Drive: 21 GB available space 

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Injustice: Gods Among Us Official Ultimate Edition Video

Injustice: Gods Among Us Review 
Who would win a fight: Batman or Superman? It’s an age-old question for comic book fans, and the reason a game like Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition exists. We want to see our favorite heroes and villains beat the snot out of each other.
Developer NetherRealm Studios finds a suitably comic book way for this to happen, using a dimension-hopping story to smash alternative versions of familiar characters against one another. It’s a conceit typical of the DC Comics multiverse, but it opens the door for Injustice’s greatest strength—its story mode

Much like its stablemate Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition, Injustice’s main single-player mode is an eight-hour campaign told from multiple perspectives. Each chapter puts you in control of a different character—including the villains—and mixes up traditional 1 vs 1 fights with QTE minigames. The story mode autosaves at each fight so if you lose you can quickly start again, but transitions between smooth 60fps fights and the pre-rendered 30fps movie cinematics can be a little jarring. That said, the story’s quality compares pretty well to the recent Justice League animated series—it’s not Shakespeare, but I wanted to find out what was going to happen next.

NetherRealm has streamlined its typical MK fighting engine into a four-button configuration. Each of the game's 30 characters have light, medium, and heavy attacks as well as a quick button for a “character trait” power. Batman summons robot bat-droids, while Green Lantern glows, well, green, and hits harder for a short time. You can throw enemies with a simple tap of LB, or, if your Super Power gauge is full, pull both trigger buttons for an ultra combo that launches into a character-specific cutscene of carnage. It’s nice that these spectacles are easy to pull off, especially compared to more complicated fighting games, and I’ll never tire of launching a foe into near-earth orbit as Superman, then slamming them back down for massive damage. But their ease of use also means you’ll see these cutscenes a lot.

Each stage also includes interactive elements: massive rockets to throw, thrones you can bounce an enemy off of. Aquaman’s Atlantis level, for example, lets you shatter its sides to drown your foe in a massive tidal wave. Many levels have secondary areas as well. With a well-timed kick, I sent Hawkgirl tumbling forcefully through the outer walls of Wayne Manor, right through to the mansion’s dining room. The interactivity enhances the over-the-top comic violence on display, as does the sound of each brutal hit connecting. I feel like a superhero while playing, leaving wanton destruction in my wake.

Outside of Battle mode, which offers a wide variety of ladder-style challenges, Injustice’s big time sink is S.T.A.R. Labs, where you try to complete more than 240 character-specific challenges that serve to teach you the game's more complex techniques. Points earned here and in other modes let you unlock concept art, music, and more in the Hall of Justice Archives. Notably, new character skins are already unlocked in Ultimate Edition, as are the console version's six DLC characters.

Injustice’s longevity is tied to its multi player, which unfortunately is an issue. Local battles work without a hitch, but are limited to one-on-one fights. Online is a different story: finding someone to play against often doesn't work (whether due to matchmaking issues or lack of a player base is unclear), and when it does, the incredible levels of input lag make the fight frustrating. King Of The Hill and Survival modes sound great, but unless the lag issues are resolved soon, they’re wasted.
If NetherRealm can get its online issues sorted, Injustice could be a top-notch fighting game.There’s a tremendous amount of content here, including a ton of easter eggs for fans in both Story mode and unlockable content. It’d be a shame if no one plays it.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag INFO

Release date:Nov 19 2013 - PC
Nov 15 2013 - PS4
Nov 22 2013 - Xbox One
Q4 2013 - PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U (US)
Available Platforms:PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U
Published by:Ubisoft
Developed by:Ubisoft Montreal
Franchise:Assassin's Creed
ESRB Rating:
Mature: Blood, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol, Violence

CPU:Intel Core2Quad Q8400 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz
CPU Speed:Info
OS:Windows Vista SP or Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8 (both 32/64bit versions)
Video Card:Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 or AMD Radeon HD 4870 (512MB VRAM with shader Model 4.0 or higher)
Sound Card:Yes
Free Disk Space:30 GB

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Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Official Trailer

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag REVIEW

After last year’s ponderous and risk-averse Assassin’s Creed III failed to be the intended shot in the arm for the increasingly samey historical running’n’stabbing series, AC4 doesn’t get to be the interim instalment its creators perhaps hoped it could be. AC2 was followed by two non-numbered playing for time chapters, but AC3’s colonial US setting and its charisma vacuum protagonist Connor has been unceremoniously dumped already.

Perhaps trying to salvage the dour Connor and his free-running, musket-wielding adventures in early New York and Boston would have been worthwhile, but AC4’s unexpected shift to a pirate-riddled Caribbean and a boisterous, initially amoral lad from Swansea quickly feels like the right decision. ‘Assassin’ in the title or no, this has long been series about the player’s pursuit of wealth and glory rather than stealth and subtlety, so playing as a greedy, sadistic pirate makes perfect sense.

It’s a weight off Assassin’s Creed’s infamously self-regarding shoulders – sure, the laughable overarching tale about ancestor races, apocalyptic prophecies, memory simulators and warring illuminati remains to some degree, but it’s downplayed massively in favour of refreshingly unfettered derring do and dastardly deeds on the high seas.
Things do not begin well, as AC4 spends its first couple of hours mired in the beyond-dreary endless tutorial paradigm that laid the last couple of Creeds so low. Each AC seems obsessed with being as accessible as possible to someone who’s never played another game in the series, regardless of how many grandmothers need be taught how to suck eggs as a consequence, but at the same time it breezily bombards everyone with the continuity-overloaded gibberish it’s crammed into the obese, preposterous plot of the last five games.

Fortunately, both sins give way to relative freedom at around the three hour mark – still far too long to spend being told for the umpteenth time how to jump onto a wall or stick a sword into a nasty man, but a vast improvement on AC3’s agonising 8 hours of tutorial. Better still, the freedom you’re given is not simply the same old running and stabbing, but the helm of a well-armed pirate ship and an ocean full of enemies, islands, secrets and loot.
AC’s traditional roof-hopping escapades are in evidence if you visit larger settlements such as Nassau and Havana, but for the most part you’ll be bombarding the Spanish navy with a round of cannons, harpooning sharks or diving for lost treasure. The game’s as complicated to control as it is broad in theme, but soon enough all of this becomes second nature, and the hunger for cash and upgrades to your increasingly impressive ship becomes overwhelming.

You’ll be greedily scouring the map for the telltale icons which reveal the locations of Royal fleets, blue whales, colonial forts and plantations, and while the whole thing rides on the back of itch-scratching, it’s also a constant party. Naval combat essentially plays like a trailer for Master and Commander: all the drama, almost none of the complexity of ship-to-ship battles, but cannonfire and ng.

It’s compulsive and agreeably ridiculous, with some brilliant scenery and a great sense of scale in its oceanic destruction, but at the same time the nuts and bolts of Assassin’s Creed – parkour, melee combat, architectural puzzle-solving – are treated so perfunctorily, and feel like just one more insulting repeat of what these games have been asking us to do for almost a decade. It does feel like this is Assassin’s Creed trying to bide its time, squeeze the last juice out of this generation of consoles, before it finally has to rethink a few things from scratch. Assassin’s Creed 4 winds up being a great pirate game, which is hardly an over-subscribed marketplace, but whether it’s a great Assassin’s Creed game is another matter entirely.